We take the time to understand the objectives and challenges of your organization.
Then, based on this information, we propose a personalized training solution tailored to the specific needs of your team: Next Level®.
The solutions are designed by Dynamic Learning consultants to be flexible and scalable, allowing them to grow alongside your evolving organization.
Evolution instead of revolution
Simple, cost-effective and measurable, our comprehensive and focused programs build, develop and strengthen talent.
Face-to-face, online, whatever works for you.
With both online and on-site solutions, employees can connect and interact in a secure environment.
Dedicated learning and development
Employees, managers, and business owners can learn from a variety of training courses.
Get more than you can imagine
A personalized online training program that is flexible and adaptable to your unique needs.
We offer practical advice, not just theory
We believe that the best way to support someone is to provide concrete solutions to the problems they face. That’s why we focus on providing useful and actionable information to help you make good decisions and make real progress.
How to be more creative, efficient, and productive
If you want to be more creative, efficient, and productive, there are a few simple strategies you can apply in your everyday office life.
Fast-track your learning
We are here to provide you with the best learning solutions tailored to your specific needs.
The best learning solutions
We are here to provide you with the best learning solutions tailored to your specific needs.
The Next Level Management® program is structured as an integrated solution that follows the line of an MBA, where participants develop their management skills and immediately apply them to their jobs.
Participants are trained in case studies and collaborative activities. They apply management concepts and theories and improve their skills in effectively managing team members, department processes, and budgets.
The essence of the Next Level Leadership® program is that true leaders develop other leaders.
Participants learn to identify change opportunities and motivate teams/people to reach their full potential during periods of transformation. Regardless of a leader’s goals, whether it’s creating a strategy or mobilizing a team, success depends on how they act and how they channel emotions in a positive direction. Therefore, for a leader, both understanding people and managing risks and uncertainty are essential.
In Next Level Teambuilding®, we use interactive exercises and methods from theater, dance, painting, improvisation, diagnosis, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Through dynamic activities, we stimulate engagement, involvement, cooperation, and a positive attitude within teams.
We closely collaborate with HR managers to understand the organizational culture, team dynamics, and challenges you face. As a result, we build programs that foster openness to relationships, constructive feedback, and conflict mediation.
We are here to help you harness the creativity of your team to improve organizational results.
Next Level Procurement® focuses on the role of the buyer as a profit center in the company.
We train specialists with strong skills in supply chain management and understanding risks and opportunities in the global business environment.
Gaining a competitive advantage is crucial in today’s business environment. Therefore, we address aspects from various domains to develop strategic thinking in the context of global acquisitions.
Participants practice supplier selection techniques and effective negotiations to secure the most advantageous contracts.
Next Level Supply Chain Management® develops advanced competencies in efficiently managing supply chains in a complex and globalized environment.
Through sequential simulations, participants practice fundamental strategies and techniques for designing, optimizing, and coordinating the three flows that underlie any firm’s activities: material, information, and capital flow.
They learn to intelligently reduce costs without compromising the smooth operation of the company. This prepares them to successfully tackle the challenges and opportunities of a dynamic and global business environment.
What some of our customers say
Carmen Bucur, Project Sales Manager – REHAU
”Programul gândit pe modelul unui MBA, este bine structurat, are aplicabilitate practicã în munca mea de zi cu zi. A contat mult experiena trainerilor, am îneles noiunile transmise pentru a putea fi i aplicate."
Radu Ciobanu, Director Operaţional – Bog’Art Building Management
”Un program interesant, practic. Traineri deosebii, cu experienã. Seniori într-adevãr! Atmosfera din timpul cursurilor este foarte plãcutã, lucrativã. Am dobândit competene noi pe care deja am început sã le aplic în activitatea profesionalã."
Sorina Bera – CEO ALLEVO
”O experienţã extrem de relevantã, în totalitate! Înalt nivel de profesionalism."
Dan Dragomir, Director Producţie – BigPrint
”Next Level Management este un program intensiv, interesant, instructiv. Fiecare modul este introdus cu un scop bine definit pentru diversitatea problemelor managerilor şi susţinut interactiv. Apreciez utilitatea tehnicilor prezentate, pentru a trece la nivelul urmãtor de eficienţã."
Mirela Rus – POLICOLOR
”Constructiv, folositor pe plan profesional dar şi personal. Acum înţeleg mai bine nevoile celorlalţi astfel încât sã acţionez eficient în priectele cu colegii, cu subalternii, dar şi personal."
Monica Aliman, Antreprenor – PAIN PLAISIR
”Sunt foarte încântatã de decizia luatã. Sunt în momentul în care informaţiile financiare îmi sunt de mare folos, pentru a înţelege succesul obţinut în afacere pânã acum şi a-l replica şi maximiza în viitor. Mulţumesc, Dynamic Learning!"