Supply Chain Management
The correct determination of the level of stocks is one of the most important problems of a company because training and maintaining them generates significant costs.
Is it possible to completely eliminate these costs? Although for the majority of companies the answer is no, however these costs can be reduced. Reaching the minimum possible level, the company’s activity improves.
Stocks play a very important role in most companies, and the way in which storage is driven can make the difference between successful and struggling businesses.
To whom we address this course?
Managers and employees of the logistics, production, financial and Marketing departments but also company administrators, as it helps to understand how logistics chains management techniques can be used to optimize Storage costs.
- Understanding the importance of processes and flows of materials and information within the business of a company
- Understanding the various models of demand prediction for a particular product
- Determining the company’s storage effort
- Determining the optimum stock management model for a given situation
- Understanding how the optimum safety stock is calculated
- Determination of optimal stocks in stock situation for a single period (Newsboy problem)
- Understanding the effect of transport time in stock optimization
Forecasts of the company’s product demand
- Characteristics of demand over time
- Foresight Errors
- Foresight Models
- Selection of foresight Model
Stock management systems for independent application:
- Model EOQ (Economic Order Quantity):
- Safety Stock Optimization:
- ABC model
- Stocks for a single period
- Other stock management Systems
Inventory management systems for dependent demand
MRP System (Material Requirements Planning)
Impact of transport on stock levels
- Determination of the optimum transport profit
- Setting optimal routes
The course has a modular structure so that, upon request, it can be customized according to requirements and delivered in-house.
The price is idicative, and the course can be personalized if requested.
The price includes:
- course facilitation for 2 days, from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm;
- course resources and a participation diploma.
+40 744 65 27 00
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Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 2 days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 12
- Assessments Yes